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Hamsa Hand & Evil Eye Protection

The Power Of Protection with the Hamsa Hand & Evil Eye.

Evil eye, also known as the "Nazar", is the famous ancient curse cast by someone through their malicious glare out of envy from your success or fortune. According to the Evil eye superstition, the hostile glare is powerful enough to cause illness, bad luck, and destruction to a receiver's life.This is where the spiritual protection Evil Eye and Hamsa amulet come in to ward off these negative energies. This protection amulet is spoken about all over the place these days, but do you know the Hamsa Evil Eye meaning?

What is a Hamsa Evil Eye?

Hamsa Evil Eye is an apotropaic hand shaped protective amulet having an eye placed in the center of the palm. Hamsa Hand is the popular protection symbol in the Middle East, but its cultural values are prevalent in almost every culture.

The hamsa evil eye consists of five spread fingers. Referred to as Khamesh, Hamesh, Hand of Fatima (the daughter of Prophet Mohammad) in Islam and Judaism culture. In Sunni culture, Hamsa Hand is associated with the Five Pillars of Islam. People believe that this protection symbol has the sacred power to defend against the destruction caused by Nazar or the evil eye curse.

Why does the Hamsa have an eye?

In many cultures, it is believed that the sacred evil eye symbol can only ward off the Nazar or Evil Eye Curse. At the same time, some other cultures prefer the hamsa hand for protection. So together, both these symbols act as a spiritual protection charm to keep all the negative energies, ill intentions, and harm away.

In Buddhism culture, the hamsa hand represent the five chakras that cleanse your body and mind through positive energy. It is believed that the eye in the Hamsa Hand is sacred and powerful enough to repel the hostile glance back to the sender to keep the wearer protected and healthy.

What is Evil Eye?

According to ancient beliefs, there are three types of evil eye cast by people on someone:

  • Unconscious Evil Eye: The person has no intentions of harming someone or something. But unintentionally, their overpraise hurts them.
  • Injury/Conscious Evil Eye: The person intentionally casts a malicious glare on someone or something whom they want to hurt.
  • Invisible Evil Eye: Hard to see or recognize, this one is the evilest one.

To keep all these three types of evil eye curse away, people have been wearing the evil eye amulet as protection since ancient times.

Hamsa Hand and Its Meaning

Like the evil eye amulet, the Hamsa hand is another popular spiritual amulet. It has a significant value in the Middle East and Buddhist Religion. In various cultures, the symbol is known by many other names like Hand of God, Hand of Miriam, Hamesh Hand, Khamsa, and Chamsa. It is used as a protective sign in all religions against the evil eye.

People believe that wearing this protective amulet brings happiness, good fortune, wellness, and positive energy to their lives.

Hamsa Hand has two popular styles:

  • Stylized Hamsa: It has two symmetrical thumbs.
  • Actual Hamsa: Not symmetrical and looks like actual hands.

Both styles are believed to offer peace, prosperity, and protection against evil energies and intentions. 

The word hamsa refers to Five. As the hand has five fingers, each finger has its significance and energy, like:

  • Thumb - Solar Plexus Chakra that represents the Fire element.
  • Forefinger - Heart Chakra that represents the Air element.
  • Middle Finger - Throat Chakra that represents the Ethereal elements.
  • Ring Finger - Root Chakra that represents the Earth element.
  • Pinkie Finger - Sacral Chakra that represents the Water element.

When these five energies are combined together in the form of Hamsa Hand, it regulates the flow of positive energy in the body. This positive energy keeps you healthy and strong against evil things and bad luck.

Which is better: Evil Eye or Hamsa?

Both Hamsa Hand and an Evil Eye Amulet serve the same function to protect you against the negative energies and evil force that brings destruction and misfortune. So you can go with any one of them. However, it is better to use both together as a Hamsa Hand Evil Eye amulet to unite the good luck and dispel the bad vibes.

The eye in the Hamsa Hand acts as an anti evil eye that prevents negative energies and brings positive vibes. While the five fingers of the Hamsa Hand together bring good fortune, prosperity and fertility to your life.

Different ways of wearing an Evil Eye Hamsa for protection

Hamsa Evil Eye Protection symbol can be worn as jewelry or amulet in two popular ways with the hands up or hands down. Both styles have their own meaning, which needs to be understood before wearing the symbol.

  • Hamsa Hand Up Meaning: It represents the Universal fighting symbol against evil. In the upper position, the fingers are spread enough to symbolize the gesture of fighting against bad intentions and evil energies. So, this position acts as a powerful protection sign against negative thoughts, bad luck, misfortune, and ill intentions.
  • Hamsa Hand Down Meaning: The downwards position of the Hamsa hand represents receiving fortune, prosperity, and happiness. Fingers pointing downwards attract all the positive energies and good luck into your life. It indicates that the universe is blessing you with kindness, and fertility.

So, in both ways, the Hamsa evil eye protection symbol attracts Good Fortune, Positive Energy, Wellness, and Protection in the wearer's life.

Why wear an Evil Eye Hamsa amulet necklace or bracelet?

Evil Eye Hamsa Necklace or Bracelet acts as spiritual jewelry that guards you against negative energies. It regulates the flow of positive energies in your body to bring good health, money, success, and happiness to your life.

 Where can you get one online?

If you would like to buy Hamsa and Evil Eye jewelry, we offer many beautiful options

Blessing your Hamsa Evil Eye Jewelry?

Any protection charm or amulet is just an ordinary thing until you put your faith and belief into it. Similarly, to activate the powers of Hamsa Evil Eye Amulet, you first need to bless it. There are multiple ways of blessing your protection charm, but here we are mentioning some of the most effective ones:

  • After buying or receiving a protective charm, hold it in your hands, close your eyes and put all your faith & gratitude of protection into it.
  • To cleanse the talisman then, put it in a sacred space and think of a reason to use it. Whatever the thing you want from this amulet, write it down on paper.
  • Now take four objects that represent the essential elements of this Universe, i.e. Salt (represents Earth) in the North direction, Incense Stick (represents Air) in the East direction, Candle (represents fire) in the South, and Water in the West direction.
  • Now place your Amulet in the Center of these four objects and light a candle & incense stick.
  • Consecrate the amulet with your prayers to activate its energy, and it will become sacred to wear.
  • Alternatively, you can wear this Amulet and access any water source (river or stream) near your house and imagine throwing all the dark energies in it. Once you feel the negative energies are drawn away, the talisman can only shower its fortune and blessings on you.
  • After wearing the sacred protection charm, you must show your gratitude towards the Universe for protection. Also, show your kindness towards everyone without hating anyone.

Now when you are aware of the Hamsa Hand Evil Eye symbol meaning and its benefits, you can get it for you and your loved ones to bring protection, happiness, and fortune in life.

Make sure you put your faith and gratitude for protection into the sacred jewelry or amulet you wear so it can shower its positive energy on you. Be kind towards others and let the Universe bring all the good fortune in your life.